
Roman recruitment posters

More lovely Roman recruitment posters, this time from 7H2. Extra-specially brilliant contributions from Elizabeth, Lucy, Deja, Ashley,Connor and Olivia. 

Letters from the trenches

Really well done Kyesia and Beth. I had totally forgotten I had these!


Roman shields

Well done to all the Year 7s who have been bringing in their Roman shields they completed over half term, they look brilliant! I hope you've all enjoyed getting the chance to be outside and do something different. 


Year 7 shields

All of Year 7 have been set their shields homework in preparation for marching around the tennis courts and taking part in some real Roman drill. My classes have the instructions for making the shields glued into their planners with the date they are due (6th Nov for 7H2 and 8th November for 7S1). 

Some pictures of good shields from last year:

And a couple of tips:
- poster paint works just as well as any other kind of paint
- a thick coat of hairspray works the same as varnish (it's just to stop the paint from running if it rains on their way to school)
- people last year got unwanted cardboard from supermarkets and electrical shops, hoover and fridge boxes are good
- when the shields come to school, they can't go to lessons so need to be brought to their usual history classroom before the start of the school day (even 7H2 who I'm teaching first period)
- they really need their names and forms on the back somewhere, all of Y7 are doing it at the same time and all the shields look incredibly similar!!

Good luck, any problems see/phone me in the history department. 


Miss Webster's adventures

For those who have done our Year 8 Elizabeth topic, I saw this armour at the National Armoury in Leeds. It's what Dudley (the one who may have killed his wife) had made specially for the night he met Elizabeth I.


7H2 Roman front covers

Extra-specially lovely Romans front covers from Alex, Ashley, Norbert, Erin, Luis and Deja. Well done!!


Henry VIII.

I have no artistic talent so love this. Well done Tom!


7S1 Roman recruitment posters

And some beautiful recruitment posters for the Roman army from Caitlin, Catherine, Hannah, Jack, Jessica, Josh W., Liam, Lucy and Sam R. 

Romans front cover homework (7S1)

Just got through an entire page of star stickers on Year 7's books. Excellent work from everyone in 7S1 but the following really impressed me:

That's Catherine, Emily, Jack, Jessica, Josh W., Liam, Molly, Olivia and Trinity. An extra special well done to all of you!


8H Mary Rose fact files

Some very lovely homework from 8H that's playing a vital role in my new Mary Rose display. Well done to Megan, Luke, Melissa, Kaydie and Katherine who made such beautiful, colourful fact files!


Y9 Homework Suffragettes

To continue with the white space filling first few weeks, Y9 are researching famous Suffragettes and making fact file posters about them to go on my wall.

Some links to help you:
Famous Suffragettes and general info
Emmeline Pankhurst
Emily Wilding Davison
Mary 'Slasher' Richardson
Christabel Pankhurst
Sylvia Pankhurst